
"Do I contradict myself? ...

...Very well then I contradict myself."

It was thoroughly difficult to choose which blog post I wanted to revise and contradict. There have just been too many. I finally decided to put some logic into the decision making process and chose the very first post I wrote for this class. Where better to start then from the beginning?

 When I first reread this post I noticed the length difference when compared to my more recent posts. It seems I was definitely striving for no more then what was required. That has of course changed, I now find myself attempting to put a personal cap on my posts so I do not end up boring everyone who happens to read them. I have to say that I still agree with most of my "Blogs In the World" post, but I have a new found respect for bloggers everywhere.

Within the very first thought of this post I seem to imply that the actual writing aspect of the blog is not as difficult as generating a creative and attention-grabbing title or headline. WRONG. After the seemingly countless numbers of posts we have written I have come to realize that although the headline usually caught the attention of the reader, it is what is written in the blog, itself, that holds the reader's attention and inspires them to show others your blog. And what is the point of blogging if you do not have followers to share your opinion with? There really isn't one.

I completely agree with a statement I made in that first post, so long ago:
Blogging is more of a means of spreading information. Blogs tend to contain current event type information that pertains more to communities as a whole instead of just a certain small group of individuals. Blogs are synonymous to writing in that they are a means of putting ideas into society but through a webpage instead of paper.  
 I would only have to expand on this by adding that the current event information that blogs discuss and spread depends on what news means to the blogger and their blogging community. If it is not important to the readers there is no sense in wasting time reporting it.